The treatment of psoriasis: the list of the most effective means of

Psoriasis is one of the most mysterious and little amenable to treatment of the disease. To get rid of him once and for ever impossible. The only thing that can patients expect, so it is in the achievement of the receipt of the referral. And, the messaging, and conventional of the global medical community of the methodology of treatment of psoriasis there is no medicine in a one hundred percent guarantee the offensive of the referral.

The treatment of psoriasis

The tactic of treatment of this complex disease of the skin depends on a number of parameters:

  • The type of psoriasis;
  • Age of the patient;
  • The presence of comorbidity;
  • The severity and the timing of the flare-ups;
  • The location and size of the lesions.

The treatment of psoriasis is almost always complex: a part of the medications and procedures is to correct the cause psoriatic exacerbations, the party has the objective of mitigating the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and part is necessary to maintain the body's natural defenses. The sad thing is that almost half of the patients does not help any of the three approaches for the treatment of psoriasis. And the medication that has helped thousands of people to drive the psoriasis in the remisin resistant to several years, with great probability have no effect on the other thousand.

In this article we'll talk about all the known at the time of the tool and the methodology of treatment of psoriasis, even the most controversial, and we will try to answer the question of where to start to the person who heard from a doctor grim prospects of diagnosis. By the time of popular use of the methods, procedures, and medications, has managed to gather an impressive statistics of its effectiveness.

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the methods of treatment of psoriasis

According to the results of numerous studies of people who suffer from psoriasis, the hit parade of the best methods for the treatment of this disease is seen more or less as follows:

  • The 37% Ointment on the basis of the refining of oil;
  • A 33% Compliance with a special diet – that is to say, the waiver of consumer products that causes the exacerbation of psoriasis;
  • 26% of climate Change, balneotherapy and sanatorium treatment. Almost a third of the patients observed to improve their welfare only in connection with the transfer to a place where the soft climate and the environment of air. The same number of patients to avoid the winter intensification of the annual rest in the sanatorium.
  • 19% of Salt in the bath – it is very effective both in sanatorium treatment, and in-house procedures. Sea salt contains potassium, magnesium, iodine and other beneficial minerals, beneficial affect to the affected skin of psoriasis, remove the itching and flaking, and even improve the sleep of a patient with the soothing action on the nerve endings. We recommend that you purchase at the pharmacy a good-quality, natural sea salt and take a bath 2-4 times a week at night;
  • 14% Ointment base of tar – well to relieve the itching , contribute to the scars psoriatic platelets;
  • 12% - Selective phototherapy – physical therapy method of treatment of psoriasis, based on the influence medicinal of the skin of ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength. It's definitely not for all patients, but some allows you to 1,5-2 months of regular procedures to achieve the biennial of the referral;
  • 12% of Compounds with hormonal ointment. First give it a very good therapeutic effect, but then the state of the sick suddenly worsens, they have to apply the ointment each time more, and she helps him every time worse. They form a vicious circle, comparable to that of the drug addiction. The long-term use of these drugs causes dysfunctions of the adrenal cortex and the progressive atrophy of the epidermis;
  • 12% of Baths, steam baths, saunas and swimming pools – is absolutely harmless, but ineffective method of treatment of psoriasis. In the opinion of the majority of patients, the stay in the steam room followed by swimming in cold water allows at the moment to soothe itching and ensure a peaceful sleep, which in itself is already good. But there are people that have psoriasis on the contrary it exacerbates the excess of humidity and sudden changes of temperature;
  • 12% - Sports and leisure – in any pleasant physical load, whether riding a bike, dancing, hiking or playing football, contribute to improving the well-being, the strengthening of the immunity, improve mood and self-esteem of the sick, that can't help affect positively in the current of psoriasis;
  • The 12% of the Ointments based with calcitriol or calcipotriol – these drugs take away the epidermis in active form of vitamin D, well penetrate the blood, and to normalize the calcium change, and this almost always leads to the reduction and gradual disappearance psoriatic platelets. Among the disadvantages: the ointment is dear, the best of German manufacture, made mainly under the order;
  • 10% of hungry Medical – radical in the methodology of treatment of psoriasis, it allows to achieve remission or at least the reduction of the square of the lesions almost all patients, but has many contraindications. Courses of fasting, it is best to perform in the hospital, and not begin to starve to death voluntarily, without survey and consultation with a specialist;
  • 10% of Ointment base and salicylic acid – strictly speaking, they do not cure psoriasis, but they facilitate healing of the platelets. After the skin is clean of Hot layer, it is convenient to proceed to the processing of other media, for example, of the same the fat. These ointments, in a certain sense, prepare the epidermis, improving the capacity of absorption of the active substances;
  • Phytotherapy
  • 10% - Herbal medicine – under this term refers to all the methods of treatment of the psoriasis with the help of medicinal plants: the ointment, curious, clean, sanitary towels, the reception of broths and infusions in the interior. Good demonstrate the effectiveness of the roots of burdock, ari, dandelion, grass, wheat, chicory, cowberry, chamomile, succession, st. john's wort, celandine, nettle, raspberry, birch, oregano, valerian, and many other plants, however, herbal medicine is always fraught with allergies and side effects;
  • 9% - Therapeutic baths with turpentine and decoctions of herbs – more secure than the method of treatment of psoriasis, because the active substances that influence the skin in a short period of time. If you do not have contraindications to receive hot, medicinal baths, try to take your days of 20 minutes, adding water heated up to 38 degrees, the pine of the oleoresina, stung, the plantain,the cooking of the kidneys of a birch, the leaves of juniper or the herb valerian;
  • 8% of the Weak, and combined hormonal ointment – is often applied during the season of the aggravations of psoriasis, when not by other methods can not cut the proliferation of platelets and unbearable itching. The treatment of psoriasis hormonal ointments you should proceed with great care, not to resort to it without the need to undo and slowly;
  • 8% - Chelators – a good complement to the diet, help to cleanse the bowel of waste and to normalize, therefore, the composition of the blood, that doesn't take in to positively influence the current of psoriasis;
  • 7% of the Ultraviolet light and the cuarzoso exposure – some of the patients of psoriasis help to regular visits in the way more normal deck, especially in combination with the use of ointments based on active vitamin D. However, the lights of quartz is preferable, although for the lower risk of development of cancer regulate occupational exposure;
  • 7% - treatment with vitamins is very controversial, and the methodology for the treatment of psoriasis, as some patients therapeutic doses of vitamins cause rapid improvement in the well-being, and other such rapid deterioration with severe allergies and dyspeptic disorders of negotiation;
  • 4% - Badi – an inexhaustible source of benefits for pharmaceutical companies, for the psoriasis with your chronic and purely individual the is a gold mine. Before you buy a dietary supplement ask, that he is: it will not, that you are already, without success, applied, or, worse yet, you started the sharpening;
  • 4% of the immunomodulators – serious medicines that apply to the treatment of psoriasis can only as directed by the immunologist, and from the data immunogram, otherwise, you can only make it worse;
  • 4% of calcium Salts and of sodium, chloride, calcium, sodium gluconate, sodium thiosulphate) – sometimes with the help of a brief course of these injections can stop the worsening of the psoriasis and reduce the pain of the symptoms, however, as a method of treatment of the introduction of salts of calcium and sodium is not examined;
  • 4% - Hepatoprotectors – stimulate and maintain the function of the liver, therefore, indirectly help to clean the blood of toxins and prevent the worsening of psoriasis. Without diet do not work;
  • 4% - Dental in some patients, the worsening of the psoriasis occur due to undertreated teeth, when the oral cavity is a permanent focus of inflammation and the broth culture of bacteria, whose waste in the bloodstream. To help the patient, it is sometimes enough to cure dental caries;
  • 3% of the Cleansing of the body takes into account not only the cleaning of the intestine by the method of colon hydrotherapy, but and the courses to other organs: liver, lungs, kidneys. All of these activities is beneficial in the current of psoriasis;
  • 3% - Treatment of the parasites of the presence in the body of the worm, giardia lamblia and other parasites inevitably leads to the poisoning of the products of its activity, and that the contamination of the blood becomes outbreak of psoriasis. Therefore, all patients are recommended to proactively deposit the feces in the analysis;
  • 3% - the Hardware of the purity of blood, which is used in the treatment of severe psoriasis in the hospital. Gives a very good therapeutic effect, but grab it for a short time – approximately one and a half-two months;
  • 3% Cosmetics and creams and oils – to help deal with scaling of the skin, especially if applied immediately after a bath or shower. The simpler and more natural the composition of cosmetics, the better. Encourage the creams based on vegetable oils;
  • 3% - Seers and healers – to evaluate objectively the efficacy of magic treatment of psoriasis, for obvious reasons, you may not, however, the patients to the healers say that they have been recovered thanks to sessions, and demonstrate the clean skin. Well, the power of suggestion has not been canceled;
  • 3% of anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis – some patients with normal psoriasis avoid the complications of the help preventive course of reception of these funds;
  • 2.5% of Na and sulfur zinc ointment – protozoan drugs for the treatment of parasitic infections (scabies), but can also reduce the itching and flaking of psoriasis;
  • 2.5% Purified, melt, activated and full of water there are several techniques for giving a simple water of the medicinal properties, but with certainty we can say simply that water to drink will not cause harm to your health, and here's what will help to fight the psoriasis is a great question;
  • 2% - Homeopathy – treatment of doses of natural poisons with the purpose of initiating the reaction of the immune response to the victory over the disease. When psoriasis methodology ineffective;
  • 2% - The heat and the infrared radiation – the controversial method of psoriasis treatment, as some patients warming causes the exacerbation in place to improve the well-being;
  • 2% of Injections of corticosteroids – the "fire" of the methodology, which they use only in the hospital and only if there are other ways to help the sick deep in the form of psoriasis;
  • 2% of Oats, and a bathroom – secure and easy way to reduce the inflammation and itching in psoriasis;
  • 2% of Cytostatic drugs – highly toxic drugs destructive that affect the kidneys and the liver. Are used for the treatment of the threats against the life of the forms of psoriasis only under strict medical control;
  • 1,5% - apitherapy – the treatment of the products of beekeeping, and, more specifically, the bee venom. The principle of the apitherapy close to homeopathy, - it is expected that the venom stimulates the immunity of the patient. Sometimes it works, but let's not forget that bee venom is one of the most potent allergens in natural;
  • 1,5% - Naftalan oil is unique natural product, extracted in the Azerbaijani town of naftalan and used for the treatment of psoriasis method of application and the baths;
  • 1,5% - Fungicides – preparations for interior and exterior use in the treatment of fungal diseases. Sometimes facilitate the state of patients of psoriasis are applied only by a physician due to the risk of complications.
  • Crisp baths
  • 1% - Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, auto-training, neuro-linguistic programming and other methodologies of management of personality may be useful in the treatment of psoriasis, because of the right attitude depends on the success of the recovery for any type of disease;
  • 1% - Crisp bathroom it is also good to relieve the itching and reduces desquamation. The starch can also be very drying to the skin, but some people need just such an effect. For a procedure, should dissolve in a pot with cold water 800 g of potato starch, then pour the solution in a bath of warm water;
  • The 1% of vitamin supplements To provide the symptomatic treatment of psoriasis, as it is with the lack of this vitamin in the man develops the tendency to the dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • 0,5% - Iglorefleksoterapija is a methodology based in the impact with the help of fine needles into biologically active points of the organism, related to the relevant bodies. It is very controversial, and safe method: it is necessary, in the first place, an expert in acupuncture, and in the second place – good luck to acupuncture in general, has acted;
  • 0,5% - The bioresonance and the wave of the modern therapy and physiotherapy methodology, which is not very well tested in practice, and even that can not boast of the major advances in the treatment of psoriasis;
  • 0.2% of the gymnastics, Respiratory, laser therapy and other controversial methods deserve attention, but they can hardly ensure a positive outcome.